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중고생이 읽어야 하는 필독 도서 목록

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독서 목록을 확인할 수 있는 드림 아카데미 웹사이트 주소:
필독 2011.12.30 18:25  
The Arkadian                  Alexander, Lloyd

Steal Away                      Armstrong, Jennifer

Mystery of the Cupboard                          Banks, Lynne Reid

Cadets At War: The True Tory of Teenage Heroism at the Battle of New Market    Beller, Susan

The Boy Who Lived with the Bears and Other Iroquois Stories        Bruchac, Joseph

A Boy Called Slow: The True Story of Sitting Bull              Bruchac, Joseph

The Moon and I              Byars, Betsy

With Every Drop of Blood            Collier, James L. and Christopher

Among Friends              Cooney, Caroline

Out of Time                    Cooney, Caroline

Jennifer Murdley’s Toad              Coville, Bruce

Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher            Coville, Bruce

Absolutely Normal Chaos            Creech, Sharon

Talking with Artists: Volume Two            Cummings, Pat

The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963      Curtis, Christopher Paul

The Midwife’s Apprentice            Cushman, Karen

Abenaki Captive                          Dubois, Muriel L

Jack Keats: A Biography with Illustrations          Engel, Dean& Freedman, FlorenceB
Zlata’s Diary: A Child’s Life in Sarajevo              Filipovic, Zlata

Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Discovery                Freedman, Russell

You Want Women to Vote, Lizzie Stanton?            Fritz, Jean

Falcon’s Egg                  Gray, Luli

Uncle Daney’s Way        Haas, Jessie

Letters from Rifka          Hesse, Karen

It’s Nothing to a Mountain          Hite, Sid

The Big Wander              Hobbs, Will

Star of Fear, Star of Hope            Hoestlandt, Jo

Danger Zone                  Klass, David

I Was a Teenage Professional Wrestler                  Lewin, Ted

All about Sam and Attaboy Sam              Lowry, Lois

Dog Friday        MacKay, Hilary

Shadow of the Red Moon                          Myers, Walter Dean

Alice the Brave              Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds

The Distant Talking Drum: Poems from Nigeria                Olaleye, Isaac

Lyddie                Paterson, Gary

Brian’s Winter                Paulsen, Gary

Call me Francis Tucket                Paulsen, Gary

A Part of the Sky            Peck, Robert Newton

The Unlikely Romance of Kate Bjorkman                          Plummer, Louise

Dean Duffy            Powell, Randy

Where the Red Fern Grows                      Rawls, Wilson

A School for Pompey Walker                    Rosen, Michael J

Moon Dancer                  Rostkowski, Margaret

The Van Gogh Café              Rylant, Cynthia

Sweet Corn                    Stevenson, James

The Well: David’s Story                Taylor, Mildred

The Bomb          Taylor, Theodore

The Cay (prequel Timothy of The Cary)                Taylor, Theodore

In a Circle Long Ago: A Treasury of Native Lore from North America        Van Laan, Nancy

Buffalo Gal                    Wallace, Bill

My Brother, My Sister, and I                      Watkins, Yoko Kawashima

The Ballad of the Pirate Queens              Yolen, Jane

Julie                          George, Jean Craighead
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